Welcome Harry Tindell to BrianHornback.Com

Today, we welcome Harry Tindell for Knoxville to our website. Tindell finished second in the Fourth District August 29th Primary for Knoxville City Council.


Tindell has served in multiple positions, having served on the Knox County School Board and in the State House of Representatives. In the State House he served on the Budget Committee and became a expert on the state budget. That experience will be beneficial to a city that is in need of fiscal priorities in the coming years.

Tindell’s website is here and his Facebook is here.

The General Election is Citywide, so a a voter in the city, you get to vote for one candidate in each district on the ballot. In District Four a Vote for Tindell is in the City’s best interest.

The General Election is November 7, 2017 Early Voting is October 18 – November 2.


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