Is East Knox Controlled?

City Council candidate Charles Thomas came up to me to tell me that his campaign was going to advertise with other options. A writer for the Focus overheard what Thomas said and said I (Focus) am your other option, if you want East Knoxville votes.

That is kinda funny based on some articles that the Focus published on several candidates including Amelia Parker, the number one vote getter of the City Council at Large Seat C primary race.

The way the City of Knoxville General Election works, even in the 5th District, every voter that votes in the November 5 General Election votes for one candidate in District 5. So, a majority of votes from everywhere is needed.

I do not believe that I control votes, my readers are kind, smart and important. They can decide between all the coverage they get from here and where ever else they get all their news and vote their own vote.



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