So What Are They Thinking?

The photo from today’s Knox News Sentinel of two thirds of the Knox County School Boarders at a presser yesterday is interesting. They appear none to happy to be there. Are they mad that the story Shock And Awe reported here on April 29, 2012 has now caused them to place their School Security Chief on leave pending an investigation? Are they mad because this controversy is raining on their upcoming request for a billion dollars next year? Where is one third of the school boarders? That would be Powell Representative Kim Sepesi, Hardin Valley and Karns Rep Thomas Deakins and Gibbs/Carter Rep Mike McMillan.

I will be posting more on this subject as I am not a Johnny Come Lately to this story having been following it since breaking the story 10 months ago. I do not blame the Superintendent Dr. James McIntyre as he wasn’t the Superintendent when Hardin Valley Academy and Powell Middle were constructed. There are board members like the current Chair of the School Board who at the time said that she attended construction meetings during the construction of Hardin Valley. She should have been aware that 51 cameras were not installed per the check they paid.

Source Knox News Sentinel

Source Knox News Sentinel

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1 Response

  1. The Shadow says:

    If they have the mind set that they are there at the behest and for the support of Central Office, they see no wrong in it.

    I’m afraid they have no understanding of what their role is, that is to represent the public NOT the superintendent or Central Office.