Monthly Archive: May 2007

Impact Fees – Town of Farragut Meeting

Impact Fees – Town of Farragut Meeting

Thanks to Pamela Treacy for this heads up. There will be a community meeting on Wednesday May 16, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town of Farragut Town Hall. The meeting will be on...

Trustee Sisk

Trustee Sisk

If you have followed the story that Brian’s Blog broke the day before Knoxville’s daily newspaper covered it about Trustee Sisk. The story has to do with the Trustee not agreeing to a hiring...

I Understand!

I Understand!

I don’t agree with Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor and his extra martial affair that consumed the tabloid media in San Francisco, this is and was a personal and family matter. I don’t agree...