Monthly Archive: July 2007

Big Brother “Expect the Unexpected” 8

Big Brother “Expect the Unexpected” 8

My favorite reality television series is the annual Big Brother shows. Tonight was the beginning of Big Brother 8. The only summer show that I watch regularly. This years series feature enemies. A father...

Scooter Libby

Scooter Libby

So, President Bush commuted the jail sentence of Scooter Libby. Scooter Libby faced his accusers and a jury of his peers at trial. It seems that President Bush didn’t just let Scooter Libby go....

Never Again – John Ashcroft

Never Again – John Ashcroft

I have just finished reading the book by former Governor of Missouri, former United States Senator from Missouri and most recently former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft. For those of you that do...