Monthly Archive: November 2007



Brian Hornback, Founder and Operator of Brian’s Blog has a saying that he uses often. “Even a blind squirrel can find a nut every once in a while.” Well, tonight Bearden High School found...

What A Party!

What A Party!

Yesterday morning I finished reading Terry McAuliffe’s book, What a party. It was a great read. While nearly every liberal will be shocked that I would read the book. It exposed the problems within...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brian’s Blog wishes you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for your readership of this our little corner of the world wide web.

The List of Liberals

The List of Liberals

The Right Brothers have a song called The List. A video contest was conducted and this is the video that Proud Conservative entered. It appears that Georgiana Vines finally reported the intent of my...