Monthly Archive: March 2018

Sherry Witt in the Gibbs Community

Last night at the Lee Tramel for Sheriff event, Republican Knox County Clerk Candidate Sherry Witt was present and she was given a couple of minutes to speak. Here it is  

Gibbs is Lee Tramel for Sheriff Country

A packed Gibbs Ruritan Club Building warmly received Lee Tramel, Republican Candidate for Knox County Sheriff. Early Voting is April 11-26 with the Republican Primary on May 1, 2018. Danny King and Jim Jennings...

Knox County Sheriff Candidates Forum

The Fountain City Business and Professional Association hosted both candidates for Knox County Sheriff today. The opening remarks and first two questions and answers from both are posted below. Check back periodically, I will...

Tramel for Sheriff in Rocky Hill

Tonight at Scrambled Jakes in Rocky Hill an event for Lee Tramel for Sheriff was held. Scrambled Jakes is a breakfast/lunch restaurant, so it was opened especially for this Meet and Greet.

TN Can’t Afford Liberal Phil in Washington

Phil Bredesen is out with a new ad today claiming that he’s not running against President Trump. That’s not terribly surprising, considering the President won 92 out of Tennessee’s 95 counties in 2016. Bredesen...