Knox County Commission Conducts Fee Officeholder Applicant Forum Jimmy “J.J.” Jones, Sheriff

Jimmy “J.J.” Jones is 49 years old, he is a native of Knox County since he was 6 months old. He has a degree from an institution of higher learning in criminal justice. He said. “I spent my entire life preparing for this position.” “I am not a career politican, I am a law enforcement officer.”

Stepping up in endorsing Jimmy “J.J.” Jones today was Current Interim Sheriff and Chief Deputy of the Knox County Sheriffs Department Tom Spangler, Democrat District Attorney general Randy Nichols and longtime friend of law enforcement and good government Jack Barnes.

Tom Pressley, retired from Knoxville Police Department offered himself as an alternative candidate for Sheriff, for the County Commission to consider. His presentation was weak and his candidacy a bit lacking in substance.

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