Butturini’s and Property Qualification

UPDATE: There may have been a quirk in property records. Although the School district has a policy of not dividing subdivisions in school zones prior to their vote on Kingston Woods last week. It appears that Hidden Glen Subdivision was divided that would allow the Butterini’s to attend Farragut High (by property qualification)

However, the school district also has a policy that it must be your primary residence.

There are 12 properties listed on Knox County public records. One address is subdivided 5 times and split among 5 cell phone providers. Another address is subdivided 4 times and split among 4 cell phone providers. One property is zoned for Bearden in ’07 and ’08. Two properties are zoned for Farragut in ’07 and Bearden in ’08 thus allowing the Butterini’s to be in the Farragut zone, evidently.

Original Post: If you have followed the story of Jack and Katherine Butterini and the allegations of an after prom party at their home in Loudon County.

Russ Oaks, Public Relations said today that the Butterini’s qualified to send their daughter to Farragut due to dual residences in Knox and Loudon Counties.

Today’s News-Sentinel coverage online: “Knox County schools spokesman Russ Oaks said the Buttirinis have dual residency in Loudon and in Knox County’s Farragut high school zone, which allows their children to attend Farragut.”

A review of property records indicate property on George Williams Road and Hidden Glen all properties are zoned in 2007 and 2008 for Bearden High School.

As a side note the coverage by the News-Sentinel keeps naming the Farragut High School in its coverage as a moniker to portray Farragut as a beer consuming institution.

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