Monthly Archive: February 2006

U.S. House Majority Leader John Boehner

U.S. House Majority Leader John Boehner

When Representative John Boehner (Bay-ner) was elected to the post of House Majority leader to replace Representative Tom Delay, I was excited though I did not post anything on it at the time. Here...

Mayor Ragsdale On Eminent Domain

Mayor Ragsdale On Eminent Domain

I am a proud member of Citizens For Home Rule, This organization continues to be successful in fighting the City of Knoxville on every piece of annexed property that they have litigated on behalf...

Lee Atwater 1951-1991

Lee Atwater 1951-1991

“Long before I was struck with cancer, I felt something stirring in American society. It was a sense among the people of the country—Republicans and Democrats alike—that something was missing from their lives, something...