Monthly Archive: June 2010

Fountain City is now Culvert City East?

Fountain City is now Culvert City East?

Brian Hornback’s opponent for Republican State Executive Committeeman District 6 in speaking before the Fountain City Republican Club this evening was discussing how he and Robert Lawrence Smith were observing the scouts placing flags...

KCSO is Professional and Unbiased

KCSO is Professional and Unbiased

As I have blogged before the death of Henry Granju was senseless and unnecessary. However, in today’s Knoxville News Sentinel this story appears. Sheriff Jones has stated publicly that the investigation has been completed...

Check Out Moderately Marvelous

Check Out Moderately Marvelous

Here is a GREAT blog that speaks the truth. You know in the blogosphere it is rare to find blogs that are true to their convictions. Moderately Marvelous is one of the rare exceptional...

My Heart Breaks!

My Heart Breaks!

As a blogger that will celebrate 6 years of blogging in August, my heart breaks tonight. There are a lot of bloggers that have a different voice. I use to read every blogger that...