Monthly Archive: April 2011

Bill Cosby is a Buffoon

Bill Cosby is a Buffoon

Bill Cosby was on the Today Show this morning and went off on Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate. Cosby dismissed Trump as a nobody. Well, let’s see Cosby is a blow hard that...

Fee Office Opinon is Fluid

Fee Office Opinon is Fluid

Sources indicate that Law Director Joe Jarret sent a letter to Commissioners this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. indicating that CTAS (County Technical Assistance Services) has researched further the issue of the fee office budgets...

Ray Jenkins Has Put The X on Burchett

Ray Jenkins Has Put The X on Burchett

UPDATE: Within one hour of our posting Ray Jenkins called the web guy and told him to fix Burchett’s picture. It is now fixed. Hubert Smith of the Hubert Smith Radio Show and One...