Monthly Archive: September 2015

Bluegrass Citizens BE ON THE LOOKOUT

Bluegrass is MY community, I am copying and pasting the information below from the KnoxNews website. Be on the lookout, I will and this pervert, must be REMOVED from our community. Authorities are searching...

Farragut Admirals Begin 2015 Campaign 3-0

The first game for the Farragut Admirals was Powell, Farragut won. Last week it was Gibbs, Farragut won. Tonight was Oak Ridge (who was #2 in the state) Farragut won 31-14. A great night...

Governor Rick Perry on the VA Findings

Governor Rick Perry on the VA Findings

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement regarding reports that more than 300,000 veterans died before their applications were processed by the VA. “President Obama’s legacy will include the shameful deaths...