Monthly Archive: December 2018

Christmas with the West Knox Republican Club

Tonight the West Knox Republican Club had their Christmas dinner at Rothchild Catering and Conference Center. I had someone graciously agree to take pictures for me tonight. Thank You again, Friend.


Poor Ole Georgiana….I like Randy Boyd’s Son

Georgiana is slipping, in today’s Knox News Sentinel 12/10/2018 first she identifies Marsha Blackburn as a cabinet member of Former Governor Don Sundquist that opposed the Governor’s State Income Tax. Blackburn was a State...

Christmas Lunch with the Sheriff

Today was Christmas Lunch compliments of Sheriff Tom Spangler and his Department. All the traditional holiday food was featured. A good time was had by all.

Christmas in Knoxville

This evening the Bijou Theater was full for Knoxville’s Lessons & Carols. It was a joint production of three churches Shoreline, Hope Fellowship and City Church . This is one of two December joint...

Linda Colquitt….Served Well

In 1985, Linda Colquitt began working in the Knox County Election Commission. In 1990, at the age of 23 I challenged a 23 year incumbent, he won re-election with only 112 more votes than...

Tennessee State Senate Republican Leadership

Monday the Tennessee State Senate Republican Caucus met and selected leadership for the upcoming legislative session. Senator Randy McNally was re-elected Senate Speaker / Lt. Governor Senator Jack Johnson was elected Republican Majority Leader....