Republican Michael Covington, candidate for Knox County Commission District One went on Facebook today to correct some false statements. I am taking the liberties to republish his post here.
A LIE is a LIE no matter who tells it! A lie is a lie no matter how many times it is told. A lie is a dirty, ugly abomination that breaks up marriages, destroys communities and sends people to JAIL! Knox County Democratic Party Leaders have people knocking on doors in District 1 telling ball faced bench laid lies that prove they think Black Dems & White Dems alike are quite simply STUPID! Dems have volunteers that know neither me OR my opponent knocking on doors in District 1 telling the following lies:
Lie #1: Republicans are bankrolling Michael Covington with TONS of Old, White Money…
Truth: See attached account balance!

Kudos for transparency…Gill failed to file any campaign financial disclosures before the March 1, 2016 Primary election
Lie #2: Though Evelyn Gill is not well liked (their words – not mine) Michael Covington is bad BECAUSE he is a Republican!
Truth: All I’ve done is bring the community together in the midst of a crisis created by the closure of the Walgreen’s at 2514 Magnolia; traveled to Nashville to testify against Tennova building a NEW hospital in West Knoxville already flush with hospitals when we have NONE; brought speakers into our community (County Trustee, Appraiser, Finance Director, Law Director, Health Dept., KCDC, State Senator Massey, Rep Armstrong – just to name a few! Organized an event free to the community to promote this District 1! Maybe not great but certainly not bad!
Lie #3: Michael Covington is for the REPEAL of the Voting Rights Act…
Truth: These 8 photos that I took at the September 22, 2015 Celebration of the Voting Rights Act make this lie the worst of all. *I have decided not to publish the 8 photographs, they can be located on Covington’s FB post.
Lie #4: Michael Covington was recruited by Republicans to take the District 1 seat from Democrats.
Truth: Knox County Republicans didn’t know me from Adam’s Housecat and could have cared less about me or the District 1 Seat because they’ll have 10 of the 11 seats after the election anyway. I’m running for this seat for the citizens of District 1 that are more interested in a Commissioner that can get some things done for our district. If elected, I will join the commission as 1 of 11 as opposed to 1 versus 10 and I’ll get things done!
I don’t have a team of 2 dozen people knocking on doors – it’s just me – Michael Covington, working everyday on behalf of the citizens in my district. Please go to the polls on August 4th and vote for a fellow citizen willing to work night and day on your behalf to get results!
p.s. Ask yourself this simple question: How can my opponent – that Democrats admit is “not very well-known” and “not very well-liked (again – their words – not mine) be identified as a ‘Community Leader’ in District 1 unless Democrat Party Leaders think Democrat voters in District 1 aren’t too bright?!
BrianHornback.Com is asking Republicans to contribute to Covington to give the First District a Fighting Chance.