
Michael Covington Works to Set the Record Straight

Republican Michael Covington, candidate for Knox County Commission District One went on Facebook today to correct some false statements. I am taking the liberties to republish his post here.

A LIE is a LIE no matter who tells it! A lie is a lie no matter how many times it is told. A lie is a dirty, ugly abomination that breaks up marriages, destroys communities and sends people to JAIL! Knox County Democratic Party Leaders have people knocking on doors in District 1 telling ball faced bench laid lies that prove they think Black Dems & White Dems alike are quite simply STUPID! Dems have volunteers that know neither me OR my opponent knocking on doors in District 1 telling the following lies:

Lie #1: Republicans are bankrolling Michael Covington with TONS of Old, White Money…
Truth: See attached account balance!

Kudos for transparency...Gill failed to file any campaign financial disclosures before the March 1, 2016 Primary election

Kudos for transparency…Gill failed to file any campaign financial disclosures before the March 1, 2016 Primary election

Lie #2: Though Evelyn Gill is not well liked (their words – not mine) Michael Covington is bad BECAUSE he is a Republican!
Truth: All I’ve done is bring the community together in the midst of a crisis created by the closure of the Walgreen’s at 2514 Magnolia; traveled to Nashville to testify against Tennova building a NEW hospital in West Knoxville already flush with hospitals when we have NONE; brought speakers into our community (County Trustee, Appraiser, Finance Director, Law Director, Health Dept., KCDC, State Senator Massey, Rep Armstrong – just to name a few! Organized an event free to the community to promote this District 1! Maybe not great but certainly not bad!

Lie #3: Michael Covington is for the REPEAL of the Voting Rights Act…

Truth: These 8 photos that I took at the September 22, 2015 Celebration of the Voting Rights Act make this lie the worst of all. *I have decided not to publish the 8 photographs, they can be located on Covington’s FB post.

Lie #4: Michael Covington was recruited by Republicans to take the District 1 seat from Democrats.
Truth: Knox County Republicans didn’t know me from Adam’s Housecat and could have cared less about me or the District 1 Seat because they’ll have 10 of the 11 seats after the election anyway. I’m running for this seat for the citizens of District 1 that are more interested in a Commissioner that can get some things done for our district. If elected, I will join the commission as 1 of 11 as opposed to 1 versus 10 and I’ll get things done!

I don’t have a team of 2 dozen people knocking on doors – it’s just me – Michael Covington, working everyday on behalf of the citizens in my district. Please go to the polls on August 4th and vote for a fellow citizen willing to work night and day on your behalf to get results!

p.s. Ask yourself this simple question: How can my opponent – that Democrats admit is “not very well-known” and “not very well-liked (again – their words – not mine) be identified as a ‘Community Leader’ in District 1 unless Democrat Party Leaders think Democrat voters in District 1 aren’t too bright?!

BrianHornback.Com is asking Republicans to contribute to Covington to give the First District a Fighting Chance.

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