Greg Johnson Accurately Describes Knox County School Board, In My Humble Opinion

Greg Johnson, a frequent columnist with the Knoxville News Sentinel authored this column on this weeks action by the Knox County School Board in withdrawing from a leadership academy at UT.

This group of School board members in my opinion lack the respect for an advanced degree. After all, in replacing Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. they selected a Superintendent who is a good person but lacks an advanced Doctorate degree. Although after his selection as Superintendent, the Board Chair Patti Bounds referred to him as Dr. Thomas, a title he does not possess.

Patti Bounds identifying the Superintendent as Dr. a title he hasn’t earned.

Patti Bounds identifying the Superintendent as Dr. a title he hasn’t earned.

In a future post, I may highlight how this group came to be members of the school board.

The big ole bottom line is that Hill, Bounds and Rountree seats are up for grabs on May 1, 2018. Also the seats of Deathridge and Fugate are as well. The filing deadline to turn in a petition with 25 registered voters signatures in order to challenge these members and prevent them from serving another four years, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO THAT, for the sake of the children, is NOON on February 15, 2018.

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