
7 Knox County Commissioners Did the Right Thing Tonight

As 8 Knox County Commissioners debated a costly lawsuit brought by the Knox County Law Director against the Knox County Retirement and Pension Board, Fifth District Knox County Commissioner John Schoonmaker was in an elevator in Chattanooga presumably at the expense of the Knox County taxpayers.


At Monday’s Commission meeting Ninth District Commissioner Carson Dailey said he cancelled his Chattanooga plans to be at the meeting. However when today’s meeting began Commission Chairman Hugh Nystrom announced that Mrs. Dailey apparently had an accident that resulted in a broken jaw and has had surgery. So Dailey was not there.

Commissioner Charles Busler was at the meeting, he read a detailed script and told the Commission Clerk to record him absent and he left the meeting. A very spoiled baby like approach to an adult topic. But no one was surprised at the antics and actions of the red faced Busler.

Commissioner Dave Wright tried questioning Knoxville Attorney John Valliant but only after inquiring if Valliant had voted in the State Legislative Race that Wright is a candidate. Wright who just celebrated 53 years of marriage was seen with his bride at a local shopping center on the day of their anniversary on Tuesday.


Thanks to the seven Commissioners for listening to the facts and working with Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs to stop the crony capitalism of wasting of taxpayer dollars to Attorneys. Commissioners Evelyn Gill, Vice Chair Michelle Carringer, Randy Smith, Chairman Hugh Nystrom, Brad Anders, Larsen Jay and Justin Biggs.



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