
Knox County Audit Committee Employs KTSC Audit

Today the Knox County Audit Committee approved a work agreement with Knoxville based Pugh & Company to perform an audit on KTSC – Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation. Mayor Tim Burchett had desired an audit by the state comptroller. However, Justin Wilson TN Comptroller advised Knox County to pursue an audit with an outside entity. 
Larry Elmore of Pugh and Co discuss the audit for KTSC  as Joe Carcello looks through his papers. Kim Bennett of the Knox County Retirement Board looks on. 

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Why would the comptroller adise to use an outside auditor?

    Are they afraid it's going to find out connections to Haslam's term as Mayor?

    Can an outside auditor even conclude that there was any criminal wrongdoing?

    Looks like a pass-the-buck or a whitewash move by the state.