The Best in Some Eyes, Absolutely Tragic in Others

Last week, Knox County Register of Deeds Nick McBride in this weekly column (not published on #TheMegaBullhornofTruth although it’s now linked) “Best Flip $7.62 m to $10.5 m in one day.” That flip of an apartment complex netting a profited sale of $3 million dollars in one day. The owners of the property, the owners of the banks or lending entities that loaned the money all very happy, I suspect.

That windfall will come off the backs or the pockets of the people that do not have the millions to pay. They are the renters of apartments at Tanglewood off Tillery. Renters that once rented for $783, $835 will pay now pay $1,500 or more or face eviction. Some are possibly facing the prospect of bevoming homeless.

Watch WVLT story here. Watch the WBIR story here.

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