With the death of Mike McMillan, Eighth District Knox County School Board seat is vacant. The Knox County Commission is tasked with filing the vacancy until the next election. McMillan seat is on the March 5, 2024 Republican ballot, early voting begins Wednesday February 14 through the 27th.
There are two candidates on the Republican ballot and no candidate on the Democrat ballot. It is expected that County Commission will appoint the winner of the Republican primary.
That did not keep the political aspirations of Democrat Courtney Piper from attempting to become a School Board member. Piper a resident of Holston Hills reached out to Commissioner Beeler wanting to be appointed. Piper a PR flack is a failed Democrat candidate having lost the Second District Knox County Commission primary to Amy Broyles. She is a talking head on the WATE Sunday Show Tennessee This Week. Piper likely was attempting to pad the resume. Fortunately, the Commission is wise enough to not be a part of Piper’s aspirations.