Below is the agenda for the Wednesday March 20, 2024 Knox County Election Commission Meeting in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building located at 400 Main St., SW in Downtown Knoxville, TN.
They will presumably certify last weeks Primaries. As I understand the law, after the certification is a five (5) day window for someone to challenge the results to seek a re-count. There is NO provision where an automatic re-count is conducted.
Currently, I am unclear if the 5 days are calendar days or business days.
Did you suffer or witness any irregularities during Early Voting or Election Day? If so, I would think you should contact the Election Commission and potentially request to address/speak to the Election Commission before they vote to certify the results.
The issue of a potential non-registered PAC funding a Knox County Commission campaign will not be before the Knox County Election Commission but instead the TN Registry of Election Finance. They last met on January 23, 2024, No future meeting date is posted. I will update you when that is on the agenda.