My friend Jack McElroy the Editor of the product produced by the Big Metal Shed on the Hill went to his blog (here) to ask a question. The question he asked is how much tax payer money has Knox County Law Director Bud Armstrong spent in appealing the release of 13 emails from October until a day or so ago or until he next potential appeal. The answer to that question is NOTHING. Armstrong and his staff get their salaries whether they litigate anything or not.
Here is a way to frame the question. How much money has the product of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill cost taxpayers in an email phishing expedition over a year and a half?
Let’s review. BrianHornback.Com was the media source that on August 10, 2012 revealed here that the E.W. Scripps owned entity requested all emails to and from many, many individuals including myself and other persons. Three days later on August 13, 2012 I posted here that I had edited, redacted, removed the detailed list.
Now, as I recall (this is from memory and no way to produce affidavits to verify) the initial FOI request would have produced about 7,000 emails. The FOI was amended to be culled, whittled down to only like three criteria. Maybe to/from, date and subject line. All this info and they got down to 13 emails. How much did that cost? How much has Scripps reimbursed for said cost?
Now, before anyone comes to the conclusion that I am defending Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, Former Law Director Joe Jarrett (2012) or Law Director Bud Armstrong. I am not. I believe the 13 emails should have been released in October 2013. While the content may be controversial I would want to go ahead and deal with it. Because to be released before the Knox County Primary Election Filing Deadline of February 20 could produce an opponent for the Mayor and with any opponent he could have to answer questions building up to the May 2014 primary election. All this could have been done away with in October 2013.
As I am aware of from my 31 years of actively watching and being involved in local politics, while the School Superintendent and School Board have been under fire and the Mayor has either done nothing or may have encouraged the activity. If these 13 emails are embarrassing to him, I am sure the other side of Gay Street (A.J. Building) is gathering up some eggs to start throwing across the street (City County Building Sixth Floor West End).
Ok, I gotta go get some popcorn and charge up the ole iPad. Get me a lawn chair and hang out near the intersection of Gay and Main looking toward the Tennessee River cause I enjoy a good political war and you need me to give you the blow by blow, play by play.
Stay Tuned.