Monthly Archive: November 2005

Metro Nashville School Board Sharpening The Knife

Metro Nashville School Board Sharpening The Knife

In todays Tennessean the Metro School Board in Nashville/Davidson County are looking at deeper cuts than has been proposed by Superintendent Pedro Garcia. It appears at this point that the Nashville/Davidson County School Board...

Deborah Tate selected by President Bush

Deborah Tate selected by President Bush

In a published report today in the Tennessean Murfreesboro resident and Tennessee Regulatory Authority Director Deborah Tate has been nominated by President Bush to replace Michael Powell on the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Mr....

Campbell County School Shooting

Campbell County School Shooting

Ok, I was a hard-liner on zero tolerance offenses and when the Superintendent and School members turned soft, in my opinion, due to liberal thinking. I complained. I ranted and raved. I got at...

New West Knox County High School Over-Runs

New West Knox County High School Over-Runs

Here is the text of a PBA (Public Building Authority) document, that was available 8/11/2005 that may explain the cost over-runs: Northwest Sector High School School Board Meeting of August 11, 2005 Based upon...