Nashville Police Chief Drake • Soft on Crime Policies

Nashville Police Chief John Drake was clear about his frustrations with the soft-on-crime policies being pushed by liberal city councils and district attorneys in our state’s capital: 

“We want people to know the system is much bigger than law enforcement. There needs to be consideration and conversations to make them more accountable. For those mentally incompetent, there should be wrap-around services. Releasing them to prey upon the public isn’t the answer.” 
-Chief John Drake

Speaker Sexton shared in Chief Drake’s frustrations:

“Chief Drake and MNPD should be frustrated with TN Progressives for opposing bail reform and finding any excuse to vote against tough-on-crime legislation. Measures like juvenile blended sentencing. Judges with more discretion to hold violent, repeat juveniles accountable will lead to safer streets and safer neighborhoods.  

We should all be upset that TN Progressives stood against common sense bail reform that would give judges the ability to set bail based on a criminal’s full history and not solely on their ability to pay.

Keeping violent criminals in jail = reduced crimes and victims.

Where is the best place for a violent, repeat criminal – in jail or back on the street?

TN Progressives are happy to let criminals out of jail with no bond at the expense of more victims – in two years Tennesseans will be voting on a constitutional amendment to deny bail to violent criminals.

Soft-on-crime progressives deny the reality MNPD and other law enforcement agencies have to deal with each and every day. The fact of the matter is that releasing dangerous criminals into our communities has real consequences. I’m proud of the steps we have taken so far, but there is still work to be done. Grateful for the majority of legislators who take crime seriously enough to pass real measures that will actually make Tennessee safer.”
-Speaker Sexton

the only selfie that mattered, with the pandemic going on, I am good with Speaker Sexton.

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