Monthly Archive: December 2011

Really!? Big Metal Shed Trashes Ivan Harmon

Really!? Big Metal Shed Trashes Ivan Harmon

So, the Big Metal Shed on the Hill had a front page headline story about former City School Board Member, City Councilman, Republican State Executive Committeeman, County Commissioner and two time Knoxville Mayoral Candidate...

But, Robert Lawrence!

But, Robert Lawrence!

So, the folks at the Deathstar are saying that Seventh District Commissioner Robert Lawrence Smith has his sights on a County Commission at Large seat in 2014. But, you ask how can he? He...

Knox Co Election Commission, Come On!

Knox Co Election Commission, Come On!

In today’s “Big Metal Shed on the Hill” publication are reporting that the Knox County Election Commission Administrator Cliff Rodgers is looking into the eligibility of Gina Oster to be a candidate for Knox...

God Bless Bill Tallent

God Bless Bill Tallent

Former Knox County Republican Party Chairman and Former Prisoner of War Bill Tallent has died. When I was Knox County GOP Chairman, Mr. Tallent gave me a POW/MIA lapel pin that I still wear...

Dan Andrews Has Started a Press Row Fashion Trend

Dan Andrews Has Started a Press Row Fashion Trend

Dan Andrews local print news photographer has consistently worn a “press” fedora for the past 1.5 – 2 years. So, today local news print reporter Betty Bean appeared at County Commission Workshop wearing a fedora...