Monthly Archive: March 2020

Yes changes Everything – John and Donna Avant

For readers that have been around #TheMegaBullhornofTruth know that for a season (period of time) John and Donna Avant were my Pastors when they served at First Baptist Concord. Early on in their tenure at...

First it was Daniel, Now it is Holt

Yesterday, State Representative Martin Daniel announced he is not running for re-election in 2020 and now this morning Rep. Andy Holt places an announcement on his Facebook page from he and his wife Ellie....


Those Pesky Campaign Financial Disclosures

As long time readers of #TheMegaBullhornofTruth know, I have always reported campaign financial disclosures during elections. However, if a campaign does not close out the campaign accounts in the filings with the Knox County...

Corcoran is IN, Daniel is Expected to be OUT

This morning Republican State Executive Committeeman James Corcoran picked up qualifying petition for TN House of Representatives District 18, a position currently held by Rep. Martin Daniel. It is expected that Daniel will NOT...