
Saturday Chuckle

This afternoon from 3:30-5:30 at Shelter #6 at Concord Park the Facebook group Educated Voters for a Brighter Future along with the West Knox Republican Club held a Knox County Candidate Rally. The Saturday Chuckle came as Republican Mayoral candidate Tim Hutchison was talking with Democrat Mayoral candidate Ezra Maize. A voter told Maize I wish you well, but I am voting for Hutchison in May. I may look at you come August. Maize in response said “I want Tim Hutchison to win, if he doesn’t I will debating myself all summer.” Everyone laughed. It was a reference to the perception that Republican Mayoral candidate Tim Burchett is avoiding debates.

Here Maize is talking to a voter at the Knox County Candidate Rally held at Concord Park this afternoon.

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