Knox County Commission and the Sunshine – Tuesday’s “Eye of the Tiger”

I have been following the Knox County Commissioners and there Sunshine meeting notices for most of six months. I’ve only missed a couple. One recent miss was a meeting of Commissioners Justin Biggs and Brad Anders in South Knox County, but this is not my full time job and paying my bills get in the way sometimes.

Imagine my surprise when I missed a chance to view “the eye of the tiger” yesterday morning. But the pictures show Commissioners Carson Dailey, John Schoonmaker sitting with Knox County Law Director “Ole Bud”. In addition, I am told that Commissioner Charles Busler was there, just not in the pictures I now have.

Schoonmaker, Dailey side by side and Armstrong

Schoonmaker, Dailey side by side and Armstrong

Surprisingly, there was no meeting notices before this breakfast gathering where Zoo Knoxville unveiled the plans for the future.


Supposedly, Commissioner Larsen Jay was in attendance, but no where near his colleagues. I wonder if the legal counsel for Knox County ever considered that his client (the Commissioners) were in violation of Chancellor Fansler’s order? HMMMM.

The Tiger is a good monitor of activities for #TheMegaBullhornofTruth

The Tiger is a good monitor of activities for #TheMegaBullhornofTruth

As for that tiger, he was given them #TheMegaBullhornofTruth look of this is gonna bite.

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