What Jay Said about Second Amendment on Tuesday

Tuesday during the Knox County Commission meeting, I posted this story asking about what I heard Larsen Jay say.

During the Zoning meeting Jay responded to my story on twitter and Facebook in what could be interpreted as an agitated and offended tone, citing that he said “colleague”.

Now to a reasonable man, I would think  “colleague” would mean a fellow Commissioner but okay it could have been someone he works with at his 501c3 Random Acts of Flowers and I will accept his explanation.

Here below is what he said on Tuesday May 26

Now let’s also review what Jay said on Tuesday May 18, 2020 in workshop session about it. He called the resolution political, which really could have been a veil accusation at the Sponsors.

A week later May 26, both Sponsors Commissioner Carson Dailey and Richie Beeler addressed the “political” allegation.

Now let’s view the Knox County Commission vote on the Second Amendment this past Tuesday.

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