
Knox County Commissioner Jay and HIS Plans to Change the Merit System for Knox Sheriff’s Department Employees

Remember, October 2020 through January 2021, when there were 4 meetings and about 9 hours about the Merit System for KCSD EmployeesKnox County Sheriff’s Department, two KCSD employees, a Knox County citizen and three Knox County Commissioners ?

The meeting Videos October 20, 2020 part 1 •   October 20, 2020 part 2October 20, 2020 part 3October 20, 2020 part 4October 20, 2020 part 5October 20, 2020 part 6 • November 10, 2020 part 1 • November 10, 2020 part 2 • December 1, 2020 • 

The January 14, 2021 meeting was streamed by Knox County Government because it was virtual, it is the only one that I did not create.

The committee completed their work and adjourned following the January 14 meeting. The committee failed to approve the one change that KCSD wanted. That change came to a vote and failed 4 in favor 6 in opposition.

Commissioner Jay, Merit Council Chair Oster and Merit System Executive Director Taylor

Commissioner Jay, Merit Council Chair Oster and Merit System Executive Director Taylor

NOW it seems Commissioner Larsen Jay is gonna bring the changes to the 11 member Knox County Commission for a vote.

Last Friday, February 12, 2021 Jay met with two employees of the Merit System, two Merit Council members and  Knox County Sheriffs Department Lt. Krystal Gibson.

The meeting was NOT publicly noticed. Which I felt was odd because during one of the previous committee meetings Jay asked the Knox County Law Department and made the point the Merit Council fell under the TN Open Meetings law. So with Merit Council Chair Gina Oster and Merit Council Member Jim Wright, Jr. at the meeting it should have been noticed, in my humble opinion.

Merit Council Member Wright, Merit System Employee Walker and KCSD Lt. Gibson

Merit Council Member Wright, Merit System Employee Walker and KCSD Lt. Gibson

However, Chair Oster out of an abundance of caution invited me. I guess because I am the only member of the media to attend the previous meetings, covering them with stories here, here, here, here, here and here.

Additionally, maybe because I own all the recordings of three of the four previous meetings.

Now, I have the recording of last Friday’s meeting, you can watch the nearly 65 minute meeting here or below.

I waited until today February 19, 2021 to release this meeting video and story because Jay said last week, that he was meeting with KCSD this week to inform them of his intended changes to the two organizations.

Before last Friday’s meeting he met with Knox County Law Department Attorney Myers Morton to inform him of the changes. In order for Morton to research the changes. Then the meeting with Merit System/Council and then KCSD.

Anyway, I will continue to follow this for the women and men of the Knox County Sheriff’s Department and I will keep the public informed.

The reason for the videos is to keep everything public and transparent. It could be said that one only records meetings when one doesn’t trust someone. Well, this does involve politicians and the public’s money, I don’t not trust anyone. But, I am not gonna allow the public’s resources to be affected without #TheMegaBullhornofTruth adding volume. Being only an #InternetBlogger or not, transparency is the key.

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