Center City Conservatives Republican Club – Ailor and Pridemore

Last evening the Center City Conservatives Republican Club met for March. Circuit Court Judge Bill Ailor and Chancellor Clarence “Eddie” Pridemore.


Judge Ailor talking to us about Circuit Court and the pandemic Circuit Court operations

Judge Ailor talking to us about Circuit Court and the pandemic Circuit Court operations

Me and the club listening to Chancellor Pridemore talk about what Chancery does, how it was created from the England culture

Me and the club listening to Chancellor Pridemore talk about what Chancery does, how it was created from the England culture

some of our members fellowshipping

some of our members fellowshipping

Erik Wiater and Sherry Ailor visiting

Erik Wiatr and Sherry Ailor visiting

As we were leaving, Gina Oster and Christine Cruz and me

As we were leaving, Gina Oster, Christine Cruz and me

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