What is One More Knox Sheriff’s Vehicle?

On September 25, 2021 I sent an open records request to the Knox County Sheriff’s Office. The request

The list of all employees with a drive home car. 

Also, if the list can be broken down by employees that have 24/7 use of vehicle and the employees that can only drive it while on KCSO business.

On October 6, 2021 I received the list and had a follow-up to remove one name from the list, there were at that time 449 drive home vehicles. There was no breakdown for employees that have 24/7 or can only drive it during KCSO business. So, I am forced to assume that all 449 employees have 24/7 use of the county supplied vehicle.

Knox Sheriffs Facebook Page 1/8/2021

Knox Sheriffs Facebook Page 1/8/2021

You ask why is this important? The Martha Dooley grievance hearing before the Knox County Merit System Council for Knox Sheriff Employees. The Council has only agreed to hear the grievance, the Council has not ruled in favor of Dooley or the Sheriff. Contrary to what Sheriff Spanky Spangler‘s highly paid outside legal counsel, Gary Prince and Knox County Law Director David Buuck. It has been heard that Prince “jumped the shark” (definition: The beginning of the end. Something is said to have “jumped the shark” when it has reached its peak and begun a downhill slide to mediocrity or oblivion) in filing litigation in Knox County Chancery Court, before a grievance hearing could or has been heard.

Knox Sheriff Spanky Spangler's outside legal counsel at tonight's Commission Work Session

Gary Prince the Knox Sheriff Spanky Spangler’s outside legal counsel at the 11/8/2021 Commission Work Session

Now, enter Law Director Buuck and his attempt this coming Monday (11-15-2021) to get Knox County Commission to rescind nearly 40 years of multiple Knox County Charter Ordinances that has established the Merit System/Council. Here and below is the discussion at this past Monday’s (11-8-2021) Commission Work Session and only the discussion about rescinding all the legislative actions for the past 40 years of Knox County Home Rule Charter form of Government.

Additionally, Buuck made reference to “non uniformed administrative person with personal use car and gas card”. I will list at less three “non uniformed administrative persons” on the list with drive home car from the Sheriff, Sheriffs HR person Lysette Aviles, Sheriff Staff Attorney Mike Ruble and Sheriffs Communications Director Kimberly Glenn.

Previous posts about Dooley grievance, herehere, here, here, here

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