Interesting Development in Tennessee Whiskey…… Union or No Union and What Caused the Debate

From my friends at Tennessee Lookout this story about the organization requesting labor union representation by the workers at Nelson’s Green Briar Distillery

Here is what I found most interesting in the story, “According to Dylan Lancaster, front-of-house worker at Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery and lead organizer of the union effort, Constellation (parent company) paid workers to stay home at the start of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. They also paid tipped workers like Lancaster higher wages during the furlough to close the gap in earnings. But as the pandemic continued, Constellation instructed workers to return and removed wage protections, bringing everyone back down to their pre-pandemic base pay.” and then this “As you can imagine, the folks who were traveling during the pandemic before vaccines typically weren’t the best tippers in the world,” Lancaster said. “[They] weren’t the most considerate about mask mandates, about social distancing, about any of those types of Covid protocols.”

So, the anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers have been the instigators with careless attitudes and treatment of the workers. I like all the businesses (small and large) that manufacture Tennessee whiskey. They promote tourism, keep people in Tennessee with activities and events that generate dollars which translate into jobs. 

If the workers are Union or not Union, will not effect whether I purchase Nelson’s Green Briar elixir or merchandise. I already have shirts and a toboggan for the winter. The decision is between the workers and management. So, here’s one toast to a decision for what works for both.

If you are going to a distillery for a tour, to purchase elixir. Treat the workers the way, you wanna be treated. Thanks. 

The history of Louisa Nelson, a pioneer in Whiskey making before women could vote and were treated not equally at all. She busted the glass ceiling with NO fanfare

The history of Louisa Nelson, a pioneer in Whiskey making before women could vote and were treated not equally at all. She busted the glass ceiling with NO fanfare



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