Knox Law Director on Spangler -vs- Merit System Council

Right here in River City, history repeats itself. Sometimes sooner rather than later.


Remember when Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs took office in 2018 and led the Knox County Commission with Tom Spangler’s support to end Knox County vs Knox County in the Uniformed Officers Pension Plan lawsuit?

In 2021, the Knox County Commission led by Larsen Jay and then Knox County Law Director attempted to overhaul and even revert the Merit Council back to 1973. The Law Director clawed back (withdrew) the Resolution to go back to 1973. 

Now in 2022, there have been filings in Chancery Court with the Sheriff and Merit System Council. One filing had Chancellor Chris Hagerty ruling the Merit Council could hear the Martha Dooley Grievance Hearing, after two days of hearings and witnesses under oath, the Merit Council is set to rule on April 28 at 9 am on Dooley.

Now enter this filing from 2022 January 26.

Original Suit • filed on January 26, 2022

Original Suit • filed on January 26, 2022

file stamp 2022Jan26

file stamp 2022Jan26

This screenshot is the cover from the Law Director filing an answer, file stamped 2022MAR24 AM 7:53


law Director answer

Yesterday at 3:24 pm Spangler sent an email to all KCSO employees.


I want to start by saying your Merit System Council is NOT in jeopardy. I spoke to Patrol and Detectives supervisors in our meeting yesterday, and made it clear that I have no intentions nor would I be in support of “getting rid” of the Merit System Council.

I have attached a release from the Knox County Law Director’s office relating to the recent filing. As always, I am available should you have any questions or need to speak to me.

Thank you all for the job you do, it is appreciated.

Stay safe!


Spanky then attached this undated memo from the Law Director “explaining” the situation. Note the letterhead, Daniel Sanders has been gone at least a year and his name is listed. Why is Daniel still on the letterhead?


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