It’s Time for KCSO to Set Policy on Cruiser Chases

Last week a KCSO officer tried to stop a truck for erratic or reckless driving, he was alerted by KPD the license plate was stolen, the officer began pursuit.

The driver and passenger were 16 year old Powell High School students. Shortly after pursuit, the driver lost control after going over a railroad track and hit a tree. The driver was partially ejected and died. The passenger was not ejected but also died. My information is that the driver was laid to rest yesterday.

I have asked KCSO if the plate was found to have been stolen or not. A couple weeks ago, Knox Sheriffs Office began a pursuit in downtown Knoxville over an alleged inoperable brake light, that pursuit ended in death.

I visited the crash site of the two 16 year olds today. As a father of three adults myself, remembering my 16 year old (in particular sons, i have two) I could easily have seen them wanting to get home before talking to the police. So that they would answer questions in front of me or their mother.

These were students at Powell High, my understanding the young man was involved at Redemption Church. If the young man, had been guilty of anything (other than death) had he been found guilty by Juvenile Court Judge Tim Irwin, his record would be cleared in two years, when he turned 18.

Sheriff Spangler needs to stop these needless pursuits that are ending lives before they are suppose too.

Now, the argument back at me will be he should just pull over. 1. this pursuit was on a two lane rural dark road after 11 pm, how can a 16 year old trust it is a legit law enforcement officer and at 16 years of age he is unaware whether the officer is a rogue officer or an officer trained with deescalation training of juveniles. The officer should have simply called it in, kept looking for the truck BUT a high speed pursuit on Ball Camp Pike that ended in the death of two teenagers is just wrong.

Do Better!

Knox Sheriffs Facebook Page 1/8/2021

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2 Responses

  1. Dbrewton says:

    I’m sorry, the author of this article is doing nothing, but making excuses for “anyone” who runs from the police. Yes, this is an all too often tragedy, but who’s fault is it? Law enforcement, the last time I checked, doesn’t have a crystal ball. Their job is to protect the public against crime, of all kinds, and enforce our laws. You don’t get a pass because of age, gender, or race. Unfortunately, they do not have the luxury of knowing who the driver’s are, or if in fact, they are the actual suspects of a crime. They can get a description of the vehicle, sometimes a plate number, but that’s often all the information they receive. They attempt to make traffic stops based on what they know. Sometimes the person stopped is guilty, sometimes not. “Running from police” gives an appearance of guilt, of some degree. Why does one “run” if they have done nothing wrong? Most often, innocent people do not! So, before we makes these young men martyrs or victims, let’s reflect on what happened. We would be having an entirely different conversation, had these boys not been pursued, and ended up hitting another vehicle, killing the occupants. Perhaps this isn’t a police issue at all. Maybe it’s a parent issue, or an immaturity issue on the part of these 16 year old that we so eagerly, and without concern, put behind the wheel of a 2-3 ton vehicle. I’m over this nonsense. Parents teach your children to respect laws, and those who enforce them. Also, if you have an immature 16 year old, don’t unleash them on the rest of us. There are enough irresponsible adults running the streets. The last thing we need is to add to it.