Karns Community (Knox County, TN) Turnout about a Proposed Development of 1,100 Front Doors

This evening about 100 citizens (I counted when it first started and there were 87 in the room) showed up in Karns Community to hear from Josh Sanderson, a family representative of Smithbilt Homes. Of course, Rocky Smith of Smithbilt could not be bothered to attend. Sanderson is the nephew of Smith.

I stayed for about 1 and a half hours. Below are the recordings of what happened while I was there.

First hour here

Half hour here

The Belltown proposed development will attend Powell Elementary, Powell Middle and Karns High.

Betsy Henderson, School Board Member to the Karns and Hardin Valley community is getting me the Powell Capacity and Attendance numbers.

At Karns High – (enrollment is 1289) the maximum capacity of 2460 and the functional capacity of 1881. So they have about 500 spaces left.

Sanderson supplied a food truck

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