Knox County’s Ambulance Contract, The Battle Never Seems to End

Ten years ago Knox County sought proposals for the 911 ambulance provider. the Evaluation Committee recommended AMR. Rural Metro objected (to the best of my recollection) data was requested more scoring and the Knox County Commission awarded the contract to Rural Metro. That contract doesn’t expire until June 30, 2013.

Knox County in August put out the Request for Proposals, three companies proposed. Rural Metro, AMR and Falck USA. The Committee did the work and they recommended Rural Metro on November 29, 2012. Today, December 4, 2012 AMR filed an 89 page Protest to the recommendation and is asking that the recommendation be vacated and awarded to them. Knox County’s Director of Purchasing Hugh Holt has five days to respond to the protest.

While I feel 10 years older, it sure seems that I have seen this rodeo before.

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