Why Consider Advertising on BrianHornback.Com?

I am asked on a regular basis why advertise on BrianHornback.Com? My site traffic counts are consistent. Each month we have increases in the number of folks who visit the site. We have a detailed traffic count that will break down the number of people who visit. I know how many visitors come to the website, whether they are here 1 time in 30 days or 500 times in 30 days.

A recent ad for one of the weekly free news papers that boasted it reaches 142,000 people. That is a paper that is thrown on driveways, there is no guarantee that the paper is read. Just simply there. What we do know, is that those individuals that click on BrianHornback.Com is an audience that is guaranteed to be looking, they are intentional.

There are other options of additional weekly free newspapers but every week you see the papers are still on the racks Sunday night before the new one is put down on Monday morning.

Why not reach a targeted audience. I am not advocating one form over another. There is enough business for everybody. For almost the same cost as one weekly free newspaper ad, you can purchase an ad for multiple week coverage on BrianHornback.Com and we are not the only show in town. There are other online options, while we are a more Conservative leaning forum, there are others that are more Liberal leaning.

If your intent is to get your business, organization or message out to the masses. Don’t be so closed minded that you lose a segment of the populace, it could be the difference in winning or losing, it could be the difference in 5% or 50% profit margin. One thing, I will never say is don’t advertise with (fill in the blank). I believe there is enough advertising and enough vehicles of promotional methods for everyone to exist. I believe like Ronald Reagan said, a Rising Tide lifts all boats. When BrianHornback.Com exists it helps the print folks, when the print folks exists it helps the digital folks like me exist.

Not to mention the environmental aspect of saving the trees, reducing landfill waste in not throwing all those un read newspapers in the landfill.

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Contact Us: 865-607-1108

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