Waggoner’s Memory Must NOT Be What it Use to Be

Bobby Waggoner, Challenger of Knox County Sheriff Jimmy JJ Jones put out a direct mail piece that is riddled with spin and sensationalism that appears to be an attempt to scare the voters.

Let’s look at Waggoner and what he apparently can not remember. First, he was appointed to a position in the Sheriffs Department by Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison. In a conversation today with Hutchison. Sheriff Tim said “he hired Waggoner to work at the Sheriff’s Office in an appointed position since Bobby had never been a Policeman.” Waggoner was a railroad detective for a majority of his career. This writer remembers that Hutchison also hired Waggoner’s late father Bernard “Beefy” Waggoner as a court room bailiff. Hutchison confirmed this afternoon that to is accurate. So, while Waggoner misinforms the voters about Jones cronyism, apparently nepotism isn’t nepotism if your a Waggoner.

Also in today’s mailing, Waggoner wants to discuss the 2007 appointment process of replacing Sheriff Hutchison leaving out the 2010 election that made JJ Jones our elected Sheriff. Waggoner wants to forget it, I suppose because in 2009, he attended many Karns Republican Club meetings representing Jones and assisting in his election in 2010.

Additionally, in today’s mailing he says there are 6 former County Commissioners that have been employed by Sheriff Jones. Waggoner only list two of the six and sates the list goes on and on. If it does name them, or does he not remember?

On an end note, I have always been told imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Waggoner lifted something from this website on his mailer without requesting permission or giving attribution, but that’s ok.

Knox Countians are just now seeing what a professional Sheriff we have in Sheriff JJ Jones and stepping back into three generations ago where the memory may not be as precise as it once was is not worth the gamble. Vote JJ Jones!

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