Monthly Archive: April 2020

Crony Republicans ❤️ Them Some Vouchers

So, Republicans like vouchers for private and religious schools, called school choice etc. Now, Crony Republicans like Timothy Floyd Burchett, Glenn Jacobs and Richard M. Briggs vouched in written form aka a voucher for...


NASHVILLE, Tenn.  On Saturday, April 4th, 2020, the Tennessee Republican Party’s (TRP) State Executive Committee addressed the protests of candidates for the Republican nomination for the upcoming 2020 primary election in August.  The Committee recommended to...

Kincannon to Delay Action on Civil Service Tonight

When Knoxville City Council meets tonight one item was to restructure Civil Service and create a Personnel Department. The action had mixed reactions, apparently the uniformed bodies (police and fire) have agreed. However, the...

Knox County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner

You may have noticed the picture of Florida United States Congressman Matt Gaetz, he is the Speaker for the annual Knox County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner. The dinner is scheduled to be held on May...