Bob Thomas DID Comply….Knox Co Election Commission Inadvertently Filed it in Another File

The Knox County Election Commission sent me an email this morning.

Brian, Attached is a copy of the Year-End CFD filed by Bob Thomas on January 29, 2016. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

 It was recorded by our office (which is why he was not “delinquent” in our eyes), but the original was inadvertently filed in another candidate’s file before it could be scanned and put on our website. I just found it a few minutes ago. That was my mistake, and Cliff and I have called Bob Thomas this morning to apologize. It is now online.

I rely on the Knoxvotes website for financial disclosures, because I know that the Election Commission is prompt at posting the documents promptly. However, there is always a probability of a 1% human error. Unfortunately, for Thomas it was him this time. In reviewing his file this morning, on January 19, 2016 he changed the Treasurer of his campaign, naming himself.

So, on January 29, 2016 he did file the report below.


From his balance on hand on July 15, 2015 he had $8,921.40 and in this January 29, 2016 he reports a balance on hand last report as $6,901.37 he reports receiving ZERO, spending ZERO and having an on hand balance of $6,901.37 So there is $2,020.03 discrepancy.

How many media can say they helped a county department correct a file? Yeah, I know. I am that good.

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2 Responses

  1. No Metro says:

    Can a candidate be the Treasurer of their own campaign? Might want to check into that. Keep an eye on Metro Bob.

  2. BHornback says:

    Yes….state law allows the candidate to name themselves….it could be costly if the candidate is not a well organized person….he has a $2,020.38 discrepancy and it falls solely on his shoulders……whereas when Burchett has had 3-4 issues he had someone to blame