Mayor Says He Will NOT Run for Congress

Dan Andrews, an unpaid special correspondent this morning got a comment from an elected Mayor that he will end his term next August and will not be a candidate for Congress or any other office.

A Mayor with NO property taxes, thriving economy, no corruption, no debt, no problems.

Mayor Ralph McGill said, “I am flattered. Thanks. My final term will end in august next year. And I’ll slip away like many others.”

He will not challenge Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. or any other elected official.

Many will remember Mayor McGill’s first run for office was in 2006 when he challenged Duncan and Duncan was easily reelected.

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1 Response

  1. Dan Andrews says:

    Thanks, Brian! Mayor McGill and I had a great working relationship while I was a reporter. Even though I no longer work as a journalist, I decided to reach out to him. People don’t realize what an amazing job he has done! I mean the guy has fixed the eyesore across from Cotton Eyed Joes. Everyone wanted a CostCo….he got a CostCo. Everyone wanted blazing fast internet…he helped lead Farragut into 1 Gig speed years before anyone else. He has continued to improve our parks. He has created an unprecedented level of open and transparency by creating the Farragut Citizen’s Academy. All this with no money from property taxes. Yeah, many people forget that we have 3 mayors…However, sometimes when you do your job right, with no scandal, no problems, and no enemies…everyone stops paying attention. Well, that is a good thing