Wow…..Officers are Suppose to Forget, I Guess

After September 1. 2018 when Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and Knox Sheriff Tom Spanky Spangler went into office. Then Knox County Law Director Richard Bud Armstrong was suing the Knox County Retirement and Pension Board over Knox County Sheriffs Deputies retirement.

Jacobs and Spangler held a press conference here asking the County Commission to end the costly lawsuit. Commissioners did, some citizens have sued and it’s still an ongoing litigation.

Jacobs in front of KCSO Officers asking Commission to end the lawsuit of Law Director Armstrong at the Officers Retirement and Pension

Jacobs in front of KCSO Officers asking Commission to end the lawsuit of Law Director Armstrong at the Officers Retirement and Pension

Armstrong was term limited from law Director in 2020 and was County Commissioner of the 8th district, he lost a countywide campaign to Ed Shouse for Commission a couple years before he became law director. Now, Armstrong is running for a third check, Chancellor Division II.

He is challenging Republican Eddie Pridemore, who took on an incumbent Democrat eight years ago and won. Pridemore has served well in almost eight years, he has cleaned up the backed up docket in Division II, Watch this.

Now Mayor Jacobs and Sheriff Spanky Spangler run up to an Armstrong campaign event and are photographed presumably supporting Pridemore’s opponent.

What are Officers suppose to take from this?

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