“the Frazier Effect” is Full ON This Summer

One of Knoxville’s television stations had a story about a town center in Powell, BELLTOWN/ Smithbuilt property located on W.Emory Rd. It is interesting to use “town” or “town center” when at a recent Town of Farragut meeting the developer of the Biddle Farm Town Center told the officials that “town center“ is a very fatigued term.

I have heard this Summer is gonna be very, very busy for Knoxville Planning staff, Planning Commission and Knox County Commission as the land speculators, developers try to get everything approved before September 1, 2022 when presumably Kim Frazier becomes the at Large Seat 11 Commissioner, provided age wins the August 4 General Election.

I have a term for this sudden activity, “the Frazier Effect”. I will have more on the activity and why I believe the zonings are happening so quick and the building ain’t later.

Republican nominee Kim Frazier for Knox County Commissioner at Large Seat ELEVEN

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