Knox Commission Passes New Tax, Knox County Mayor Does NOT Intend to Sign It

Tonight the Knox County Commission passed a Mineral Severance Tax, a new tax for those purchasing material like rock from Knox County Quarries.

Knox County Commissioner Kyle Ward voted NO. Before the vote he told me, “I made a promise to my constituents that I wouldn’t vote to raise taxes and I keep my promises. Right now isn’t good timing with inflation being the highest it’s been in 40 years. Our community is already suffering enough with everything being more expensive. Small business owners are struggling to keep up, there is a recession on the horizon, interest rates are about to go through the roof and this is just one more expense.”

When asked following the vote, Knox County Mayor Spokesman Mike Donilla confirmed to me that Mayor Glenn Jacobs does not plan to sign it. So, the creation of this tax is solely on those 9 Commissioners voting to create it. Commissioner Terry Hill was absent tonight.

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