Congressman Duncan & Mayor Burchett, Conservative to the Core

I have been active in local politics since 1982. I always supported the late Congressman Duncan and now his son U.S. Representative John J. (Jimmy) Duncan, Jr. One thing I have always liked about Congressman Jimmy Duncan has been his staunch Conservative principles. One thing that he does personally is that he carries a notebook in his pocket and writes down every cent he spends. If he buys a soft drink out of a machine, he writes it down. That is discipline.

I know from all the years that I have known Mayor Burchett (about as long) that he too is extremely Conservative with his but especially the taxpayers money. So, for the same reason that I like Congressman Duncan, I too like Mayor Burchett.

The latest generation of Duncan, Knox Co Trustee John Duncan is obviously not like his father at all. Pocketing $6,000 in tax payer funded bonuses without completing the necessary class to receive it is not something his father would have done. I am so disappointed that the Trustee would give away the taxpayers money so freely to nearly a dozen employees without the first thought of “what would dad do?”

2011 has been a tough year, it has been filled with disappointment with a couple of our Knox County elected officials. Congressman Jimmy Duncan and Mayor Tim Burchett’s Conservative to the core principles are rare. We should be thankful, that we have a few good ones.

As my grandfather use to say, “one bad apple can ruin a whole basket” The perception will be that all Knox County Officials are not following the rules. That is not true and it is sad that they will be judged by the careless actions of one.

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2 Responses

  1. Bob Ritter says:

    I read the news article about John Duncan and was really surprised and disappointed. I thought a lot of the senior Duncans principles. The boy better get straighned out or I won't be voting for him again.

  2. jeff_ownby says:

    I would agree with your post. These two are truly very conservative elected officials.