Knox County Voters Get Another Vote on Billy Stokes

Knoxville Journalist Hubert Smith forwarded an email to me this afternoon that he received. It seems that Billy Stokes a fan and supporter of Democrats is going to challenge Ray Jenkins in the Republican Primary of 2014 for Knox County Circuit Court Judge Division I. You can read this earlier post about the public breadcrumbs of Democrat support that Stokes has bestowed upon several Democrats.

Stokes press release discussed how his work has primarily been in circuit court. The typical political fluff of a political announcement press release. The LOL moment was this partial line, “..and has served in the Tennessee governor’s cabinet and on senior staff.” Stokes left out that it was Governor Don Sundquist, the most unpopular Governor because of his heavy handed income tax proposal. Fortunately the legislature and the people won and the income tax proposal were rejected.

Order your copy from the UT Press!

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1 Response

  1. Sandy Loy CCM says:

    WOW! Don’t forget he is the CHairman of the PBA Board and it was he who told the Board to disregard, fight, ignore and belittle my whistle blowing on the PBA’s participation in spending $50,000,000 on a $25,000,000 school. The same school which had faulty security because the cronies used a contractor who was a KCBOE crony! Hired by the PBA WITHOUT bidding the contract and the PBA then paid the same crony for work which was never completed! He is part of the problem not part of the solution! My next email is to Ray Jenkins to find out where to bring my check to keep Billy Billy Billy out of this seat!