On April 2, 2014 this post outlined what could be perceived as a lack of financial accountability of the Knox County Property Assessor. He asked on that day to put the questions in written email form. Today, at 2:37 p.m. I asked for his answers to the questions that were outlined to him. Because on that day, he wrote in an email to me that he needed adequate time so as not to have a hasty response. In his typical angry, confrontational tone on the phone his statement is, “The documents speak for themselves.”
So, as I have been told any person can ask for the Open Records Request that I submitted and the individuals identity would be revealed. On April 2, 2014, out of an over abundance of caution I digitally redacted the names of the employees. All the information obtained is public information. Proerty Assessor employee Linda Turner is in the clear, she went on leave and has only been compensated with sick leave pay. Property Assessor employee Hannah Gard went on leave the end of January and has recorded time worked and sick leave. On may of the days that she was paid to receive work time she did not scan into or out of the building. The Supervisor that signed Hannah Gard’s time card and approved it without writing his initials as the signer on her name was Rodney Lane.
In a conversation with Knox County Law Department Attorney David Buuck. He made reference to permissible leave. With email documents supplied to me by the law department from Ballard to Smith disclosing the two leaves of the employees, I asked if it was likely that the employee would be on permissible leave. Buuck like Ballard gave the tone that he was exasperated and irritated said he would not address hypothetical’s. When I explained the documents reveal that he became more agitated. Government bureaucrats get that way from time to time. That is the first time I have ever talked to Buuck, so he doesn’t know me and I don’t know him. His perception like many former Property Assessor employees of me are probably rooted in the personal aggressive campaign of Ballard against me. That’s fine, I don’t drink anyone or any groups kool-aid 100% of the time. The mass killing of the Jim Jones followers taught me that a long time ago.
So, ghost employees (people who are paid without being in the office) and fraudulent time cards appear to be in the Property Assessors Office.

I had to sleep on this one folks as in all fairness to some one who just had lost touch with reality. The late Patsy Cline’s song “I was so wrong” befits this type of behavior. Does the term ghost employee and time card theft ring a bell to anyone in the City County Building? No? Well let me remind Hunley’s remaining few of a former Trustee that is going on trial this fall along with his stooges. This is a crime folks and people actually go to jail even after making restitution for their ill gotten gains.
I know that Phil and Bud are county commission buddy’s and have each others back, but if you think an attorney will take the fall and accept the responsibility for another you have to be living in another world. This cat will sing like a song bird, even from a wheel chair at that.
Ronnie Milsaps and Stevie Wonder can see Hunley’s finest are worthless as tits on a boar hog. I have said this way too many times but there are a few people that are not getting the picture, so read these words carefully.
The reason for the exception is the Sheriff marches to the beat of his own drum. Steering clear of this type of behavior, knowing eventually all crimes get punished. Hunley cannot control this man so he takes credit for the Sheriff’s victory.
The remaining two county wide positions that the Paper Boy is endorsing is Trustee and Criminal Court clerk. Well we all know exactly what Craig has done as the ink is dry and the money spent, so I needn’t even say another word about this dead issue. All good things come to an end. The remaining I need to elaborate upon. Jason you are a fine young man which has done an exceptional job as a prosecutor, and I hope will continue to keep you nose clean, as pills, lies, and sexual favors seem to be haunting a few attorneys here lately. No accusations intended. This town just can’t take another chance on another one of Hunley’s chosen few, the track record shows its a failure once the candidate takes office. I have never met you, however I have received a piece of mail from you and read the article in the Lie Paper. A beautiful family I might add, but the risk is not worth taking at any price. Folks being arrested, costs not being collected, money being wasted, records not reflecting the facts are too much to overlook.
It looks as if County Commission will be seeking an appointment for a Property Assessor and another Trustee in the near future. Boy and Girls this merry go round is about to throw two more off the short bus of Knox County Government.