Knox Sheriff’s Officers……I Think I Know Where The Other 3% or So Went

When Knox County Sheriff‘s Officers got the pay statements last week and the pay raise was 4% to just shy of 4.5%, they were not happy. The Sheriff said they were getting a 5% after he asked for an 8% raise. Most of them are working the shifts they are assigned and picking up side jobs too.

Now today (July 21, 2021) Lisette Aviles sends out an email offering $600 for recruiting new employees. But you have to wait. You get $300 after the new hire $300 after the employee completes COTA (Corrections), the FTO Program (Patrol) of 6 weeks of employment (Civilians). The other $300 comes after 6 months of employment.

Last Thursday Knox County Commissioner Randy Smith asked Chief Deputy Bernie Lyon if the KCSO had a recruitment plan, he said YES. HR Director Aviles was asked how KCSO would recruit better than the Knox County Merit System has done. She talked here or below, she uses words but there is no real plan mapped out.

Aviles and Lyons did not discuss this plan less than a week ago. It is as if Aviles got in trouble with the Sheriff for not having a plan and they found some cash to create a plan quickly. Like a plan before Monday June 26, 2021 Commission meeting. It is almost like a quick knee jerk reaction to the Hutchison letter read by Commissioner Cortney Durrett two days ago at the Commission work session.



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