Knox Democrats Rhetoric is Just That …..Rhetoric! They Ignore Who They Profess to Fight For.

Knox Democrats talk about being for the worker but this week their hatred for President Trump and Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs had them attacking the common Knox County Engineering and Public Works and Fleet Service Employees.

Jack Vaughan, the talk flak for Knox Democrats first attacking the very workers that have worked their asses off since before the storm hit.

The KnoxDem tweet

Then enter newbie City Councilor Debbie Helsley. The one that got beat by Jacobs in 2022, having to settle for a City Council seat. This is a lady that made money as a spokesperson for Communications Workers. Obviously, her attacks on Jacobs ignores the very workers she use to reportedly defend, support.

Alleged statement from Helsley, although during her campaign she paid Vaughan $2,500 a month to tell her what to say and do.

Of course, Allie Feinberg at Knox News, WBIR and others just follow whatever Knox Dems are feeding them, because it is easy. For twenty years (August 9, 2024) here is what I do as a hobby, as a side gig. I get the answers they refuse to do. I contacted EPW Director Jim Snowden.

The men and ladies at EPW (Knox County Engineering and Public Works) have worked very hard. In summary, they had a presence treating/plowing roads since Saturday morning (January 13, 2024) or 120 hours continuously using a combination of the 70 highway personnel and 15 fleet service employees. 

EPW Director Snowden estimates this to be a total of 5000-man hours with most being overtime pay.  In addition, these folks have used our entire supply of salt spreaders, plows, and brine tanks (24 plows and spreaders, 15 brine tanks) to spread 1500 tons of salt and 50,000 gallons of brine (valued at $200,000).  Snowden estimates Knox County has spent $100,000 in overtime, fuel, and maintenance/repair of equipment during this same period for a total cost of $300,000.  These 85 employees will also be working the entirety of the upcoming weekend to ensure roads are safe for folks.

Knox County have 85 families without their parent or caregiver. Would these men and ladies like to be snow sledging with their kids? Would these men and ladies like to be making snow cream and memories with their families? Of course they would. But instead they are working, navigating around abandoned vehicles left on the roadway, right of ways.

While instead of the Democrat Party that professes to be for the little people, the workers. They attack the very individuals and their families to take political slaps at Mayor Jacobs.

Mayor Jacobs is not getting in the way of these 85 professional employees to get the job done for the taxpayers that rely on their work. He isn’t riding around in trucks, taking selfies while the employees try and do their job, like Mayor Jacobs predecessor.

The media like the selfies cause they can post them and not risk getting out themselves. The media want to be spoon fed.

Enough of this 🐂💩! To the men and ladies doing the damn job….THANK YOU from me.

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